Abhipsita care pvt ltd.

Abhipsita Care

Glad for offering support to the Health camp of Ramkrishna Mission. Abhipsita Care wishes a healthy life to all the participants of the health camp. Place order of ABRAm-S ECG/EMG/EEG monitor through GeM portal.
Health Monitoring device

Point-of-Care Health Monitoring

If you are having symptoms of cardiomyopathy and irregular arrhythmia you can get your continuous ECG (Holter) monitoring done at your home for a day or more at an affordable price.

Health Monitoring service

Health Record Management

Comprehensive analysis of medical history is a key factor for accurate diagnosis and lifestyle tuning. Get your medical record managed and interactively represented with PreCure®.

Health Monitoring device

Medical and Life Style Consultacy

If you have difficulty in visiting your care giver in person contact your care giver over telemedicine. Choose your medical and lifestyle consultant to book an appointment for online consultancy.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. --- WHO
Health Monitoring device
Health Monitoring device
Know your health risk factors for free
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